Duke Nukem 3D Mods

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  1. ZeroHour Software (1 Mod)
  2. WunkoCorp Productions (1 Mod)
  3. Wardie Entertainmant (1 Mod)
  4. Vortex Productions (1 Mod)
  5. Virtual Atmospheric Morbid Productions (V.A.M.P.) (2 Mods)
  6. UTAF Productions (1 Mod)
  7. Troy Studios (2 Mods)
  8. Total Conversion Masters (2 Mods)
  9. TNT Team (1 Mod)
  10. Tiburonq Entertainment (1 Mod)
  11. The Wolf2Duke Team (1 Mod)
  12. The Napalm Team (2 Mods)
  13. Sunstorm Interactive (3 Mods)
  14. Strike Force (1 Mod)
  15. Skynet (3 Mods)
  16. Simply Silly Software (2 Mods)
  17. Silicon Software (1 Mod)
  18. RETC Team (1 Mod)
  19. Rage Production Team (1 Mod)
  20. PYP Team (1 Mod)
  21. Petrilla Enterprises (3 Mods)
  22. Parasite Productions (1 Mod)
  23. Outer Limits Team (1 Mod)
  24. Nuclear Trilogy Co. (1 Mod)
  25. Nuclear Creations (1 Mod)
  26. Novaware (1 Mod)
  27. New Earth Publications (1 Mod)
  28. MOMS (Monster Operations Mopup Society) (1 Mod)
  29. Lindsay Enterprises (1 Mod)
  30. Kaotik Industries (1 Mod)
  31. Jam Software (1 Mod)
  32. Intersphere Communications, Ltd. (1 Mod)
  33. Groovy Software (1 Mod)
  34. Frag Control Society (1 Mod)
  35. Forklift Productions (2 Mods)
  36. Force Field Team (1 Mod)
  37. Edge Designs (1 Mod)
  38. E. E. M. (1 Mod)
  39. Duke Meets Doom Team (1 Mod)
  40. Duke It Out in NY Team (1 Mod)
  41. DNCC Team (1 Mod)
  42. Dark Flame Conversions (3 Mods)
  43. Cool Software (1 Mod)
  44. Compaq Productions (1 Mod)
  45. Coma White Productions (1 Mod)
  46. CMV & Acidic Productions (1 Mod)
  47. BIG Productions (1 Mod)
  48. Bgame Productions (1 Mod)
  49. BDP (1 Mod)
  50. Alliance (1 Mod)
  51. Action Duke Team (1 Mod)